This gorgeous beach home is for those who can appreciate luxury in the true sense of the word. You'll bask in luxury just a hundred steps to Gulf of Mexico beaches, from Imported European Bullnose granite countertops and Brazilian Teakwood flooring to Italian Travertine Tile flooring and the Mahogany Interior Elevator. This is Luxury personified and the highest quality construction and features. As you arrive in the foyer you'll be greeted by gorgeous Italian Travertine flooring laid on the bias and an Imported Brazilian Teakwood staircase to the Second floor. Here you'll encounter the Elevator adorned in Rich Mahogany, 3 bedrooms, each with it's own access to the outdoor decks with amazing views of the Gulf of Mexico.Between two of the bedrooms lies the Jack and Jill Bath.Beautiful European Bullnose Granite countertops, Custom Italian Travertine shower and Polished Brass fixtures adorn this spacious bath. Just down the hall you'll find the the Bunkroom with access to the South facing front deck with direct views of the Gulf of Mexico not to mention the adjacent Full Custom Bathroom with Pedestal sink, Zero Entry Custom Travertine shower, private water closet and access to the North Deck. The Grande Feature of this level is the Luxury Home Theatre! Movie Style Theatre seating with Imported Italian Leather recliners, Top Quality Surround Sound System, 103 Inch Projector Movie Screen...and that's not all! We have a full theatre kitchenette with a Popcorn machine, Nacho machine, 2 Luxury Wine Chillers, one for Red, one for White, Microwave, Custom Cabinetry and Sink over granite countertops. Ride the Mahagony Elevator to the second floor which opens to the expansive kitchen space. On this level you'll find Italian Travertine flooring throughout, European Bullnose Granite Countertops, Sandstone Sinks and Custom Cabinetry. This open concept space flows beautifully from the 7 seat breakfast bar to the Dining Area with Soaring Ceilings and Full Wet Bar with China Cabinets to the Octagon shaped Family Room featuring a Wall of Windows and Deck access providing more of those fabulous Gulf views. The Kitchen features Kenmore Elite Appliances and amazing South and East views from the windows over the Triple Sandstone sinks. Just off the Kitchen you'll find the powder room, spacious laundry room and another access to this level's South/East facing Decks. The Kitchen Pantry is a Room unto itself designed by Alpha Closets! You've got a Commercial Refrigerator and Freezer, abundant countertops and cabinetry as well as a trash compactor. When you're ready to retire for the evening take the elevator or climb those Teakwood stairs to the Owner's Penthouse Level. Here, 45 feet above ground level you will find another guest bedroom as well as the Owner's Suite. The Owner's Suite overlooks the Gulf, is Octagon in shape, has a comfy breakfast area, electric fireplace, not to mention a Kitchenette with Microwave, Sink with Insta Hot water, Mini Fridge and Custom cabinetry. The en suite Bath is truly amazing! Granite and Travertine counters and shower with views to the North and East are just remarkable. All polished Brass fixtures and several Towel Warmers will make your comfort complete, not to mention the oversized Owner's closet. Once you're ready to truly relax, go out onto the 3rd level deck and sink into the 6 person Hot Tub with wonderous views of the Gulf to the East and the South and the Santa Rosa Sound to the North. The possibility of covering all the details of this home are nearly impossible, but...on the ground floor you'll find a 2+ car garage and an unbelievable amount of storage. But that's not all, there's a Piling built detached single car garage which could be expanded just behind the home. This remarkable home was completely rebuilt in 2008. The property grounds are custom designed with a plethora of palms and other tropical foliage as well as Zoysia grass. The grounds are also serviced by a well pump which feeds the irrigation system. 50Amp electric and sewer connection for your Recreational Vehicle. Commercial grade whole house fire suppression system. All windows and doors are Anderson Coastal designed and installed and feature Low E blue tint (unable to see inside the home). These windows and doors are even bullet proof so you'll be ready for any storms that come your way. Two outdoor Hot and Cold showers. All Furnishings custom made by Furnitureland South as well as other pieces will be included in the sale of the home ($125,000.00 value) with the exception of a few excluded pieces. Low Flood Insurance under $600 a year!! Full home details, including structural, safety and operational details are available upon guided tour with Listing Agents.
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Detached Single Family
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
5 lůžek
4 koupele
Dny na místě
284 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Sound, Gulf
Architektonický styl/Design
Beach House
Stavební materiály
Foundation Stilts, Roof Metal, Vinyl Siding, Trim Vinyl
Interiérové prvky
Central Air
Auto Garage Door Opn
Fire Alarm/Sprinkler
Ice Machine
Oven Double
Refrigerator W/IceMk
Smoke Detector
Smooth Stovetop Rnge
Stove/Oven Electric
Wine Refrigerator
Exteriérové prvky
Community Sewer
Community Water
Public Sewer
Public Water
Parkovací funkce
3 parkovací místa
Garage Detached
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